Parents wouldn’t send their child off to school without their lunch and book bag, so it stands to reason that dog owners should send their dogs to daycare with some essential items.

While all doggy daycares and boarding facilities operate slightly differently from one another, there is a list of items you should be prepared to show up with everytime. To make sure your dog has all of the items he needs for a successful day at daycare, reference the following.

Collar and leash
The two staple supplies that every dog needs – a collar with dog identification tags and a leash. Every daycare will need a dog to be collared and leashed, particularly when entering and exiting the building. It also allows workers to safely handle your dog and remove them from any potentially dangerous situations. So, at a minimum, come equipped with these two things to daycare.

If your dog is on any type of medication that needs to be given during the hours he is in daycare – bring them! It’s always a good idea to speak with the daycare staff to discuss your dog’s medical needs and ensure they are willing, trained and equipped to administer the medication to your dog. Also consider any emergency medication your dog may need (but not require regularly) like seizure medication, allergy medication, etc. Be sure your daycare has access to these meds and can identify the warning signs on when to use them.

Go one step above and have a medical plan written out for your dog that details when and how to provide the medicine for your dog. This allows all staff members to reference the procedure and follow it consistently – even when staff members change schedules.  

Food and/or treats
If your dog is staying overnight or requires additional feeding throughout the day, bring a supply of their food with them. It helps to premeasure any portions, leaving less room for mistakes. In addition, if your dog has food allergies it may be prudent to supply your own treats to the facility to give your dog. This will minimize his exposure to other treats that may contain the allergy – keeping your dog safe without taking away his treat time. Trust us, he’ll thank you.

Emergency contact Info
The fact of the matter is that accidents happen and emergencies can pop-up. If you are away or unable to be reached for any reason, be sure your dog has emergency contact listed for the daycare. Your dog’s safety is of utmost importance, be sure you have backup!

Comfort items
If your dog is being boarded or suffers from anxiety, bringing some items from home can be comforting. For overnight stays bring their bed or blanket, these along with toys, can be soothing for anxious dogs as well. Checking with your facility first to see if they have any policies against bringing in items from home.