Dog behavior

4 Signs Your Dog Isn’t Feeling Well

Fevers, aches, chills…there’s no shortage of symptoms when we get sick. If our stomach aches, we can take some medicine and get some rest. It’s not quite that easy for…
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Examining how our dogs think

It’s true that dogs and cats have human characteristics, including a personality they call their own. But there are many classic situations where our interpretation of events is flat-out wrong,…
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What are the differences between cat and dog behavior patterns?

Dogs are pack members There’s a reason dogs are thought to be more sociable than cats: very often they are. While the latter are solitary animals that hunt alone, the…
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What are some not so well-known dog behaviors?

Ever seen your dog do something that seemed so uncharacteristic, you temporarily questioned whether there was something wrong with them? Ever seen your dog display mind-blowing intuition to the point…
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How to prevent your dog from getting overexcited

We tend to think that a dog that’s jumping up and down and barking madly is happy. In fact, the opposite is true. Serenity and calm are signs that your…
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Is my pup being aggressive, or simply playing?

In today’s article we’re going to examine whether your dog is being aggressive or simply engaging in play, with a particular focus on puppies, a group who are often guilty…
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Decoding what your dog’s bark might mean

We’ve written at length about the things to do to keep your dog from barking all the time, but it’s worth considering what that bark actually means. As Cesar Milan…
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Can dogs get stressed?

Cortisol, that hormone that floods our body any time we’re under stress, is a reality of adult life. Busy commuter journeys, long office hours and piling commitments can send us…
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How to help dogs in mourning

Just like humans, dogs grieve the loss of loved ones, whether it be a human or canine companion. Dogs are both acutely aware of their loss and capable of feeling…
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Looking to break up a dog fight? Here’s how!

Picture the scene: you’re walking down the road when you come across two dogs going at one another physically. Heaven forbid, it might even be your own dog caught in…
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