Dog behavior

Dog myths debunked

Myths – they enter the public’s consciousness and live on, doggedly persisting (excuse the pun) no matter how much our understanding of the animal kingdom improves. Some of these legends…
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5 tips every dog owner needs to know

Simple, practical advice. Isn’t that something every dog owner needs? Well, we’ve put together 5 tips to keep in mind when rearing your dog. From being consistent in your training…
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Training your dogs and cats to live together

Cats and dogs. They’re a pairing as old as time itself, and yet despite this history, they’re not always the best of friends. Getting our feline friends to put up…
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Top tips for dealing with excessive barking

All dogs bark, but excessive noise can be wearing for both you, your loved ones and your neighbors. While it’s tempting to do nothing and let the noise wash over…
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Six things we do that dogs hate

Dogs and humans are a match made in heaven, but while you might be the master in the house, that doesn’t mean you can do no wrong. In fact, there…
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