dog breeds

5 of the neediest dog breeds around

Dogs are often said to be needier than cats, but that doesn’t the full story. Different breeds have different temperaments, and there are some dogs that are altogether aloof. But…
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The biggest dog breeds in the world

Head to a big city and you’re likely to see French Bulldogs and Poodles everywhere you look. These small city dogs are the perfect companion in a compact apartment. But…
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Six dog breeds that are great for young families starting out

If you’re thinking about getting a dog for your young family and want to know what breed is right for you, great! Getting a new dog is a wonderfully exciting…
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Small breeds versus large. What are the pros and cons of each?

Each and every variety of dog has its own particular quirks, but it’s always fascinating to compare small breeds against their larger counterparts. What are the pros and cons of…
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