Dog Training

How can I discipline my dog effectively?

A very common sight? A dog owner disciplining their pet as they would a human, raised voice in tow, finger outstretched. Yet while dogs can sense our emotions to a…
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How to enjoy a hike with your dog: our tips

We’re living in strange times, but even with social distancing measures in place, there are lots of ways to enjoy a spectacular day out in the summer sunshine. Hiking is…
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How to get your dog to listen and behave better

Whether you’re new to dogs or an experienced owner, it can sometimes feel as if you’re constantly engaged in a struggle: issuing commands to your dog with little to no…
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How to get the most out of your dog walk

For your dog, it’s one of the most important events of the day, and something that he’ll be looking forward to from the minute you walk into the house –…
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How to spice up the dog walk and keep things fun

The walk: it’s part and parcel of dog ownership and something that you’ll be undertaking regularly. The walk is not just a chance to exercise your dog, it’s an opportunity…
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What causes dogs to hoard – and what can be done about it?

We all know people who live in homes crammed high with nonessential things that have long since passed their expiry date. But did you know that dogs often resort to…
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How to set boundaries with your dog

Man’s best friend is a companion like no other, but no one likes a dog that fails to respect boundaries. Boundaries are important because they ensure a dog remains respectful,…
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Trust: how to earn it from a dog

Bringing a dog home from a shelter? Trying to interact with a friend’s dog for the first time? We’ve all had those moments where our best intentions are spurned, and…
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My dog is constantly begging for food. Now what?

Every dog owner is familiar with the experience of sitting down to a plate of something delicious only to feel the shadow of their pet hovering nearby, tongue lolling. Some…
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Top tips for the perfect dog walk

As we’ve stressed many times in the past, exercise is a great way of keeping a dog happy and calm. One of the best ways to do this? Regular walks…
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