Dog Training

How to teach a dog to be calm when meeting a stranger

When we talk to dogs, we tend to use the ears and the eyes to communicate. We put out our hand in a restraining way, palm facing outwards, a reassuring…
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How to deal with a fearful puppy

Puppies are hardwired to be fascinated about the world around them, but because of their inexperience, they’re liable to be fearful of things as well. In the article to follow,…
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Using food to reward your dog

Dogs love to nibble. In fact, some say the quickest way to a dog’s heart is through her stomach. It’s the quickest way to get her to be obedient too,…
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Why adopting siblings can be a bad idea – what you need to know about “littermate syndrome”

While it can make all the sense in the world to adopt two dogs from the same litter – siblings, no less – this isn’t always the wisest course of…
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It’s all about play: how to keep your dog entertained this summer

As anyone in the Midwest will tell you, it’s been a long winter, but the good news is that bright and sunny summer months are on the horizon. With that…
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Dog proof your home in a few easy steps

Whether you’re moving to a new home or bringing a pup into your house for the first time, we’ve compiled a few easy tips to “doggy proof” the different areas…
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How to tame your dog’s anti-social behavior

Looking to exude calm, show assertiveness and teach your dog all the right habits? We’ve got the lowdown on some common problems – and some handy solutions – right here.…
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Training your dogs and cats to live together

Cats and dogs. They’re a pairing as old as time itself, and yet despite this history, they’re not always the best of friends. Getting our feline friends to put up…
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