House plants are a great way to bring the outdoors in, but they can come with a risk. Many commonly found houseplants can be toxic to dogs (and cats) when ingested. To avoid unnecessary tragedy, you should educate yourself on any plants before bringing them into a home with pets. 

Below are five of the most frequently bought house plants that can be toxic to dogs:

  1. Lilies
    One of the most beautiful flowering plants, lilies are extremely popular but several varieties pose a serious health risk to dogs and cats. The Peace Lily is a variety toxic to dogs while Stargazer Lilies and Easter Lilies are toxic to cats.

    A dog that ingests a Peace Lily will often show symptoms quickly with vomiting and mouth/tongue swelling being the first to present. Reactions tend to dissipate within 10-24 hours after ingestion.

  2. Tropic Snow/Dumb Cane and Elephant Ear
    These plants develop poisons that, when eaten, can cause burning and swelling of the mouth and throat. Excessive drooling is another indicator of the poison and when not treated or caught can lead to death.

  3. Ivy
    That’s right, ivy (not even the poison variety) may look quite pretty strewn across an old stone building but inside the home can wreak havoc on your dog. When eaten, ivy can cause breathing issues, rashes, or even lead to paralysis. A quick intervention is key to ensure your dog makes a full recovery.

  4. Chrysanthemums
    Though gorgeous in the fall months, resist any urge to bring these flowering plants inside. When eaten by dogs and cats, symptoms can begin quickly with vomiting, lethargy, dermatitis, and neurological symptoms like loss of coordination.

  5. Poinsettia and Snake Plants
    While quite different, both of these plants aren’t worth having in the house if you have dogs. Though not normally fatal, both plants can cause digestive irritation leading to vomiting and diarrhea.

If you’re considering adding to your plant collection or are unsure of the plants you currently have, it’s worth doing some research. If you have any doubts, remove the plants from the house until you can confirm they’re harmless. 

Should your dog begin to show any symptoms noted above, quickly consult your veterinarian. There are many modern methods of reversing the effects of these plants. Quick action can be the deciding factor when it comes to keeping your dog out of harm’s way.