Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful experience, but it also comes with important responsibilities. One of the first steps in ensuring your puppy’s health and well-being is scheduling their first vet appointment. This initial visit is crucial for setting the foundation for a healthy life. Here’s what you can expect during your puppy’s first trip to the veterinarian.
Physical Exam
One of the most important things for a veterinarian to do when they see your puppy for the first time is determine his quality of health. This will include weighing the puppy, gathering as much history/backstory as the owner can provide, testing joints and reflexes, inspecting the skin, coat, and teeth, and more. It’s key that your vet is thorough in the exam, as puppies can be more delicate than you’d imagine. A quality physical examination will ensure that he is in tip-top shape and if not, then you can develop a plan to get him there.
We all hate to get shots and puppies are no exception. Luckily they have a quick rebound rate! At your pup’s first appointment, be prepared for him to receive the first round of several key vaccinations. Because puppies are so small, they require several reduced rounds of a vaccine for it to hit maximum efficacy. These vaccines include bordetella, DHPP (which protects from parvovirus, distemper, and hepatitis), and lyme disease (if chosen).
Discussion with Veterinarian
Your puppy’s first appointment is an ideal time to speak with your veterinarian about almost anything. Use your vet’s expert opinion to dive into topics like training, food, exercise, house training, and more. They can also provide insight on trainers to assist with basic obedience and more. Use your appointment time to your full advantage since you won’t always have one on one access with a veterinarian during your pup’s first few weeks at home.
Depending on your puppy’s history and physical exam, your vet may determine that he needs some medication or supplements to assist him in some way. This can range from probiotics to pain relievers. Though quite uncommon unless there are obvious health concerns, it’s best to be prepared.
Follow-Up Appointments
Your first appointment is just that, the first of several! Before you leave the vet, you’ll be asked to schedule your puppy’s follow-up visit. This visit will likely be shorter and focus more on giving your sweet new family addition a few more of the vaccines he received at this appointment. They will also use this time to monitor his growth and overall health.