Dogs fill
us with joy, don’t they? They’re at the door when we get home from work, our
able companions on those long walks in the countryside and our friends through
thick and thin.
That got us
thinking – what are some of the happiest dog breeds in existence? Those
reliable breeds that, 9 times out of 10, produce dogs that always have a smile
on their face?
Here is a selection you can’t go wrong with.
have a wonderful nose, which is perhaps why they’re so fun-loving all the time:
they’re experiencing life in full. A home with a beagle in it is usually a
happy place to be. Beagles love to be in the outdoors and are real
people-pleasers too.
Great with
kids and the family at large, these fluff-balls are almost always smiling,
though you might miss the grin under that mountain of hair! Bearded collies
love to run in the outdoors but are small enough to make a great addition to
even a small apartment.
The French
are known for their great wines and cheeses, but perhaps one export they don’t
get enough credit for is the French Bulldog, a wonderfully fun-loving breed
that complements any home environment. Tempt out their award-winning
personality with the reward of food and make sure they’re exercised regularly
to keep their spirits high.
Labs are beautiful, fun and popular too. They have it all. Little wonder, then, that the Lab is one of the most popular breeds worldwide. Given their size, they need a fair amount of space but they’re good-natured enough to adapt to almost any environment.
Like the
Lab, Golden Retrievers are a real hit with families thanks to their good looks
and lovable personality. Retrievers are extremely loyal too; people-pleasers
who like nothing more than playing with you after a long day’s work.
BEE-shawn FREE-say, it’s easy to mistake one of these fluffy little dogs for a
child’s toy. The good news? They’ve got the personality and spunk to light up
any home. The Bichon is renowned for its happy-go-lucky demeanor, and it
doesn’t hurt that it’s as cute as a button to boot.
Take one
look at your Great Dane and you might think he’s feeling the blues, because
these dogs often exhibit a sorrowful expression. But the opposite is the case.
These tall, powerful dogs are often very happy and noted for their easygoing
traits. Keep them active, however, and make sure you have space, because a Dane
needs regular walking to keep that good demeanor going.
American Staffordshire Terrier
AmStaffs, as they’re known, are not only happy dogs, they’re confident and assertive too. They’ll need a bit of training to get them on the straight and narrow, but if you don’t mind a bit of upfront work, the rewards are well worth it in the long run.