On Thanksgiving Day, one of the most prestigious events in the dog industry announced a winner. The Westminster Dog Show is an iconic event that captivates a majority of the country, even self-proclaimed “cat people”. This year the best in show honors went to an equally iconic breed with one of the most recognizable faces – the Pug.

The Pug is an ancient breed that originated in China, bred to be a companion animal. Several thousand years later and little has changed – the Pug remains a loyal friend to his people.


With the large, round heads and smushed faces, Pugs are adored by many dog enthusiasts. Their jovial and sometimes mischievous personalities have won over hearts and homes, making them one of the more popular breeds.

Their curiosity is accompanied by a sweet and inviting charm that makes them ideal for families with young children. Their drive to please makes them highly trainable. Though they can boast some of the best zoomies in the dog world, Pugs aren’t known to be particularly active. This can make them a great companion for those with smaller living arrangements.


Just like with any brachycephalic (flat faced) dog, Pugs come with their fair share of health concerns. Most notably being their breathing. Some Pug owners say part of their charm is their loud snoring, or huffing pants. The truth is that something as simple as breathing can be hard for a Pug. Moderate exercise and climates are the best options when it comes to Pugs and more serious breathing concerns can sometimes be addressed by a veterinarian.

Additionally, the Pug’s large, expressive eyes can sometimes be too large for their sockets causing bulging, which can lead to corneal ulcers and dry eye. This is typically a sign of poor breeding, but it can affect any dog – even those with impeccable lines.  Pugs are also prone to obesity and require a well-regulated feeding and exercise program to remain fit.


Luckily, the Pug’s high health maintenance doesn’t carry over into grooming. Their short, sleek coat is relatively easy to keep clean. However, they tend to shed year-round and require consistent brushing to keep it under control. Outside of that, Pugs need minimal bathing unless their curiosity leads them to something a little smelly.


Pugs are beloved for a very good reason. These short, audacious dogs boast one of the best personalities among all canine breeds. Their entertaining antics are a perfect match for most people, from families to apartment dwellers and nearly everyone in between.