It’s hard to believe that another year has already come and gone. As we embrace the clean slate of 2024, it’s time to align our priorities and set goals for the months ahead. As dog owners, our furry friends should be considered as we set these plans. After all, they cannot advocate their own goals to you, so you must do your best to infer what will benefit them in the year ahead. Luckily for you, below are five simple and effective ways to kick-off 2024 on the right foot (and paw).
  1.     Regular wellness checks If nothing else, make time to prioritize your dog’s health in the new year. Whether he’s a puppy, teenager, middle-aged, or senior, your dog’s health should come second to none (except maybe your own). The kindest thing any dog owner can do for their pet is to provide him with a healthy, well-cared-for lifestyle. By taking advantage of yearly wellness checks and consulting your vet when things just aren’t quite right with your dog, you can avoid much larger problems. If you’re concerned that your dog may be entering a year of costly veterinarian bills, 2024 may also be the time to consider pet insurance. This can give you peace of mind and ensure your dog’s needs are not compromised.
  2.     More exercise If it’s on your personal list to be more active this year, then count your pup in too! Exercise, even as little as 15 minutes per day, can greatly improve the mood and health of your dog. Enjoy walks when it works with your schedule, toss the frisbee, or play a game of fetch to get you both moving and enjoying some fresh air.
  3.     Obedience refresh They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks (which isn’t true), but now is as good a time as any to devote time to reinforce your dog’s manners and trick skills. Much like exercise, 15-minute training sessions are not only effective at strengthening their commands, but it’s so mentally stimulating that it can wear them out for the rest of the day – perfect for those cold and rainy days we can’t run around outside.
  4.     Visiting somewhere new Looking to head to a destination you’ve never been to before? So is your dog! For many of our dogs, their world is limited to our homes and backyards. Plan to include them on a vacation or trip in 2024 to show them the world is so much larger. While traveling with a dog may not be feasible for everyone, you can also try new walking trails, visiting dog-friendly local establishments, or visiting friends nearby.
  5.     Live in the moment And never forget to enjoy the company of your dog. They are only with us for such a short time in the grand scheme of life, every moment is precious. Give him a hug every day and don’t forget to cherish even the simplest of moments spent together.