More and more, modern offices are coming round to the idea that having a pet or two in the vicinity is good for business – after all, who doesn’t like a furball to play with during breaks from day-to-day tasks?

That said, while bringing your dog to the office is a useful way of ensuring the animal isn’t home alone and lonely, not every breed is suited to the office environment. Moreover, there are a few things to keep in mind before taking the decision.

Consider the breed

Certain breeds are better suited to offices than others. Here are a few examples of dogs that’ll get on with staff if properly trained.

• Siberian huskies are good-natured and sure to be a hit given their beauty.

• Chihuahuas are personable dogs and always a hit.

• Pit bulls, despite their reputation, are incredibly loyal animals and low maintenance too. Their reputation for being hellraisers is largely unearned, and often the result of bad parenting.

• Labradors are a classic breed that are very popular to boot.

• Everyone loves a pug. These rogues are sure to be popular.

Dogs to keep away from the office

• Bullmastiffs are difficult to train. Bullmastiffs make a lot of mess too, as they’re prone to drooling.

• Bulldogs get hot very, very quickly and if your office is on the warmer side, this breed might start to overheat.

• Like Bullmastiffs, Saint Bernards are prone to drooling, and they’re also likely to overheat

• Dalmatians are endlessly energetic (a little too energetic) and likely to leave their shedded fur all around the office.

• Chow chows might be the most adorable, Instagram-worthy dogs of all, but they’re stubborn enough to resist playing ball.

What else should you keep in mind?

Consider your dog’s temperament

Is your dog well socialized? How does he behave around other people? You’ll want to make sure you’ve got him properly trained before bringing him to an office where you make your livelihood.

How is he going to behave on his own?

You can’t keep a dog chained to your desk all day. Chances are he’s going to get up and wander around. Check that your colleagues are comfortable having him around, and be sure that he’s had the training necessary to behave himself once in possession of this newfound freedom.

Does anyone in the vicinity have an allergy?

Though it’s hard to fathom, not everyone is a dog person; there might be a vague reason for this, or it might be the result of a severe allergy. Check with colleagues to ascertain whether anyone gets a physical reaction to a dog in their space.

Bring a bed with you

If your dog calms down enough to want to have a nap, you’re going to want to make sure he’s got some place to sleep. It’s always a good idea to bring bedding from home. This will not only give him a chance to catch forty winks, but it’ll also let him know he’s in a safe place, one that smells like a familiar environment.

Make sure he’s got plenty of water

Dogs get thirsty, and that’s doubly true if they’re stressed or excited, which they’re likely to be the first time they’re faced with an unfamiliar setting that abounds with foreign smells. Keep water at your desk so that he can sip as he pleases.

Consider walks a priority

If you’ve got the flexibility to leave your desk when you please, it’s a good idea to take your dog for a walk during the day. This will tire him out and keep him relaxed, ensuring there’s no bad behavior inside the office proper. Plus, it’ll save you having to take him after hours.

Don’t forget, not everyone can bring their dog to the office, so we are ready at Under One Woof to take care of them for the day.