Whether you’re moving to a new home or bringing a pup into your house for the first time, we’ve compiled a few easy tips to “doggy proof” the different areas of your house, leaving you to happily coexist with your furry friend without needing to tear your hair out in frustration.

Read on for our breakdown.

The bathroom

Bathrooms are places that inquisitive dogs inevitably find themselves exploring. Your first step? Close the toilet lid. Dogs are known to use toilets as their very own water bowl.

Toothpaste and toothbrushes should be packed on a high shelf out of reach. Electric razors should be unplugged and their cords wound around the body of the unit before being safely stowed. Moisturizers, creams and related emollients can all cause a mess, and precautions should be taken accordingly.

The best preventative measure of all? Keep bathroom doors closed to stop young dogs prying.

The kitchen

Dogs enjoy simple pleasures and food ranks very highly on that list. Even dogs that get plenty to eat morning, evenings and afternoons will seize upon food that’s left lying around, so it goes without saying that you should safely store foodstuff in cupboards and fridges.

Next, decorations should be kept out of reach; flowers, ornaments and edible arrangements are all fair game.

Finally, cleaning products can be extremely dangerous if left around, so always make sure to keep these out of reach.

The living room

Invest in a dog gate when the dog is young to make it easier to control where the dog roams. A gate is a neat way of keeping a dog confined to areas of the house you can control.

Where you’ve got the TV positioned, make sure electrical appliances are safely out of harm’s way, and that cords are not easily accessible.

When it comes to the sofas, couches and chairs, cover valuable furniture in blankets, as dogs of all ages shed a lot of fur.

The yard

The yard is a dream come true for any dog, and a great thing to have if you can afford it. Dogs are happier and more relaxed when they get enough exercise.

However, the yard offers its own complications. For one thing, you run the risk of the dog actually leaving the property. With this in mind, make sure the perimeter is adequately fenced, and invest in a microchip for your animal so that worst case scenarios can be alleviated through the magic of technology.

Pools are danger areas too, so invest in a pool cover that clips into place. Make sure it has a lock, as inquisitive dogs can force unlocked covers open.

The bedroom

The number one thing a naughty pup is going to reach for in your bedroom? Your shoes. Don’t leave these lying around as you don’t want your favorite pair of heels to turn up in the yard. Cover your bed in a protective blanket and keep the door closed if the bedroom is your sanctuary.

General tips

Dogs are happiest when they’ve got a spot they can call their own. Whether that’s in the living room, your bedroom, or a spare room in the house, ensure there’s a comfortable bed for him to lie in, plenty of toys to play with, and a water bowl that’s kept regularly topped. Dogs respond well to routine and having a bed they can turn to is an important safety blanket.

Another point to keep in mind: keep rubbish bags out of easy reach. Young dogs are liable to tear these open and spread your dirty trash all over the clean floors.

In the end, any dog unfamiliar with its surroundings is going to cause a few headaches, but with time, the animal will get used to its new habitat, and as familiarity builds, so the headaches will lessen in frequency. Using our tips above, you can guard against the biggest disasters while you’re at it.