In part one, we looked at herding dogs and
hounds, two of the major dog types categorized by the American Kennel Club.
we’re going to cover non-sporting and sporting dogs, of which the former is
host to array of entrants, both big and small.
these findings are based on an excellent Wired video series on the
topic, narrated and hosted by Gail Miller Bisher.
Let’s get
Type #3:
Perhaps the
most famous and popular example of the non-sporting type is the Dalmatian, which
gained huge popularity in America because of the film 101 Dalmatians.
A far
smaller example is the Poodle – be it the Miniature Poodle or Standard
Poodle. The latter is often compared to humans because of how easy she is
to train, and how companionable she is. But don’t be fooled – she’s far more
athletic than her demure appearance lets on.
The Chinese
Chow Chow is hard to miss, given how fluffy his coat is, while the Bichon
Frise has regularly appeared in articles on this site, and has an
award-winning personality.
are a member of the
non-sporting category as well, and get their name because of a peculiar history:
they were actually bred to bait bulls. Strong and dependable, these are regular
fixtures in American homes.
excitable, energetic Beagle is a great choice too, and has a nose
adapted to sniff out even the faintest scent.
If you want
something quiet or even cat-like, the Shiba Inu is a beautiful, quiet,
demure dog that heralds from Japan.
you know: Dalmatians
are not British or American in origin, but actually came from Croatia.
Type #4:
dogs were bred to work with man and have bundles of energy. As a result, they
require a lot of space and a lot of exercise. This group comprises some of the
most popular dogs in all of America.
standout examples? The Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever, which
are lovable additions to the home, but do require plenty of walking. Their
heritage as hunting dogs is a big factor.
Similar in
size, the Weimaraner is an ancient breed with a sleek coat and huge
athletic reserves. Their nickname – the “gray ghost” – denotes their gray coat
and whippet-like speed. They’re strong too, and provided you’ve got the space,
great additions to the home.
The English
Cocker Spaniel is a classic sporting dog and has a very happy temperament
to boot. America has three varieties of its own: the Parti-Color Cocker
Spaniel, the Black Cocker Spaniel and the ASCOB Spaniel (which
stands for any solid color other than black). The differences
between the American varieties is largely coat-based and cosmetic.
One spaniel
that might be less familiar to audiences is the Boykin Spaniel, which
has webbed feet because of the role it played in the swamps of South Carolina.
It’s an intelligent, eager and energetic dog.
Looking for
something more laidback? The Spinone Italiano is an ancient Italian
breed that has no problem kicking back on the couch.
Finally, a
shout out to the Pointer, which has the distinction of appearing on the
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show logo – one of the most prestigious dog shows
the world over.
Stay tuned for part 3, when we cover the remaining three categories: toy, terrier and working dogs.