Dog nutrition

Dog Nutrition 101

Historically, dog food and nutrition were little understood. A lot of what a dog ate depended on geography, education, and finances. With technology, science improved, and we gained much more…
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Dog care basics: how to be the best owner you can be (part one)

The basics of dog ownership might seem self-explanatory, but there are plenty of tips and tricks that often go unsaid. In this, the first part of a longer series, we’ll…
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My dog is constantly begging for food. Now what?

Every dog owner is familiar with the experience of sitting down to a plate of something delicious only to feel the shadow of their pet hovering nearby, tongue lolling. Some…
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Using food to reward your dog

Dogs love to nibble. In fact, some say the quickest way to a dog’s heart is through her stomach. It’s the quickest way to get her to be obedient too,…
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Caring for elderly dogs

With the strides made in the veterinary industry, dogs are living longer than ever. That’s a good thing in one respect: dogs that are middle aged or older tend to…
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Doggy nutrition: do’s and dont’s

Just like humans, dogs need a balanced diet and exercise regime to reach their peak; to feel and look their best; to enjoy good energy levels and stable moods. With…
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