
How to help a cat and dog get along

The stereotypical cat that’s aloof and uppity is grounded in truth. Cats tend to be far less extroverted than dogs and aren’t nearly so eager to run and play. Since…
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Single and living alone? Here are some great dog breeds to consider.

So you’re living alone and you’re wanting some company; some company in the form of a furry canine friend. Nothing wrong with that, is there? Of course not! That being…
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Running with dogs – what you should know

For dog owners who enjoy a spot of exercise, running with your animal can be a great way to break a sweat and bond at the same time. However, as…
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How to pet someone else’s dog for the first time

So you think you’re a dog person. You’ve just arrived at your best friend’s house and youwant to greet the new addition to the home. You rush towards the foreign…
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Three things you should know as a first-time dog owner

So you want to get a dog for the first time. Congrats! Owning your own pup is one of the best feelings you can have, but it’s also a big…
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What do humans do that dogs dislike?

Humans and dogs might be best friends, but that doesn’t mean we always get the relationship quite right. In fact, there are a number of behaviors we exhibit that actually…
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Why is my dog crying?

“Why is my dog crying?” is not a question you have to ask every day, and yet, from time to time, your dog’s eyes will begin to produce tears. But…
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What causes dogs to hoard – and what can be done about it?

We all know people who live in homes crammed high with nonessential things that have long since passed their expiry date. But did you know that dogs often resort to…
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How to set boundaries with your dog

Man’s best friend is a companion like no other, but no one likes a dog that fails to respect boundaries. Boundaries are important because they ensure a dog remains respectful,…
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The ten smartest dog breeds

While there’s no such thing as a doggy IQ, per se, experts do agree that certain breeds are better at learning new commands and adapting to their environment than others.…
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