Dog behavior

How to deal with a fearful puppy

Puppies are hardwired to be fascinated about the world around them, but because of their inexperience, they’re liable to be fearful of things as well. In the article to follow,…
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Bringing your dog to work: what to keep in mind

More and more, modern offices are coming round to the idea that having a pet or two in the vicinity is good for business – after all, who doesn’t like…
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Using food to reward your dog

Dogs love to nibble. In fact, some say the quickest way to a dog’s heart is through her stomach. It’s the quickest way to get her to be obedient too,…
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Tips for understanding your dog better – and why safety is so important

Dogs and humans have lived in harmony for thousands of years. It’s one of the strongest and longest-enduring relationships between our species and any animal. Dogs have and continue to…
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Why adopting siblings can be a bad idea – what you need to know about “littermate syndrome”

While it can make all the sense in the world to adopt two dogs from the same litter – siblings, no less – this isn’t always the wisest course of…
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Correcting the behavior of dogs that compulsively chew

Getting home from a long day at work only to find your hard-earned possessions are now dog eared and in a state beyond repair is far from ideal. And more…
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How to deal with difficult, tense, aggressive dogs

Chances are, you come into contact with dogs all the time. You might own a large number of them at home; you might work with them professionally; you might simply…
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Dogs are the great imitators. So what does this mean for you as an owner?

Doggy See, Doggy Do Dogs look up to their elders. Younger dogs will emulate the behavior of older dogs and turn to them for direction. That’s why it’s incredibly important…
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How to ensure your dog has a happy holiday season

Whether you’re packing to go off for the holiday season and taking your dog with you, or staying at home this Christmas, it’s important to keep your doggy’s needs in…
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Helping your puppy overcome typical behavioral problems

Learned behaviors early in life can last a lifetime. The early months of a dog’s development are crucial. They can be the difference between a happy and loving member of…
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