Dog behavior

The differences between male and female dogs

Whether you’re a long-time lover of dogs who has owned both the sexes, or you’re thinking about getting a dog for the first time, you might have a different experience…
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What does my dog’s licking mean?

Tongues in the animal kingdom mean a lot more than they do to you or I. Dogs are perpetual lickers, whether it’s using their wet instrument on themselves or on…
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Doggy obsessions: how to deal with strange behaviors

It’s natural as a pet owner to look at your dog behaving strangely and to automatically freak out. Whether he’s obsessively chasing his tail or hoarding your possessions, there seems…
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How to curb your dog’s barking

Dogs bark. Of course they do. Everyone knows that the yap or howl or cry is one of the main ways a dog talks to its owner and communicates to…
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5 secrets all dog owners should know

If you own a dog, you’ve no doubt fallen into the same trap as everyone else. You’ve looked at your beloved pet and thought: you’re an extension of me; you…
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How to deal with your dog’s hyperactivity

A hyperactive dog can be a real headache. Whether he’s digging holes in the yard and burying your valuables, making a noise or jumping up at you and guests, you’ll…
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How to tame your dog’s aggression

Aggression is a common problem dog owners face, and it’s a reality every owner dreads. Certain breeds are more passive than others, but even the most good-natured litter occasionally produces…
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Interesting ways dogs are similar to humans

If history is to be believed, thousands of years ago early humans bred gray wolves. Over time, these wolves were domesticated, fed and selectively bred. Slowly but surely they lost…
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How long do dogs live?

Morbid as it might be, every owner has to front up to the fact that their dog won’t live forever. A single dog year is roughly equal to seven human…
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How to tame your dog’s anti-social behavior

Looking to exude calm, show assertiveness and teach your dog all the right habits? We’ve got the lowdown on some common problems – and some handy solutions – right here.…
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